
Troop members: Log in to SharePoint for more resources.

Online Resources


Troop 259 SharePoint Site

Troop 259's intranet. Go here for sign-ups, announcements, and other important information.

BSA National Site

Official site of the Boy Scouts of America.

Cascade Pacific Council Site

Find Scouting America resources at a regional level.

Cyber Chip Resources

Our troop requires the Scouting America Cyber Chip as part of our electronics policy. Complete it here and print out your completion certificate.

Merit Badge Information

Information for starting and completing Merit Badges with Troop 259.


Access your Scouting Account online.

Scout Shop

Official Retailer of Scouting America.


For Scoutmasters: Rank advancements and troop databases.

Youth Protection Training

Allocate about an hour to complete the YPT course. This course is mandatory for all adult leaders.